deKay's Lofi Gaming

Penny Arcade Adventures On The Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 1 (360): COMPLETED!

It turned out I didn’t have a lot left to do in the game. I wiped out the last of the evil mimes with invisible items, then killed the last of the, uh, robots, fully upgraded my weapons, and then set off after the end of game boss. Who was actually pretty easy to beat. He took a fair while to take down, but I had so many items that even when he got a few full unblocked attacks in …

Stikir (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Well this is a bloody weird game. It is, sort of, a game about making a game. Only you play the game and the game keeps changing as you do. One minute it’s a platform game, then it’s a sideways scrolling shooter, then you’re in the dark, then you have to dodge stuff while not falling in holes. Weird, as I said. In some ways it feels a bit like a Wario Ware game, only with the microgames somewhat longer …

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch): COMPLETED!

What’s this, you say? It’s been over a month since I completed anything? You thought I was dead? Well, no! Turns out that Tears of the Kingdom is Quite Large and so it has taken me 95 hours to complete it. Which, across a month, is about three hours a day. That’s fine, right? There’s a lot to talk about regarding the game. For example, a number of people complained that it’s just using the same overworld as Breath of …

Removing The Simpsons

Post Length Warning! I’ve become a little hooked on OpenAI’s ChatGTP. It’s a text-based response AI, which converses with you but can also be asked to create things. Like magic, it’s able to conjure up stuff you ask for. So I’ve asked it a lot: “Write an episode of Cheers where Norm is a zombie”, “Explain particle physics to a four year old”, “Tell a story like Three Billy Goats Gruff only the goats are successful women and the troll …

Concrete Genie (PS4): COMPLETED!

I thought this game was going to be about painting murals on walls, which then come to life. And, for a while, it is. You paint genies who can help you move objects, activate power or open doors, and you can paint random stuff on most vertical surfaces. However, it’s a lot darker than that and the first third of the game involves a lot of hiding from some not very nice bullies. There’s quite a bit of Assassin’s Creed …

One Strike (Switch): COMPLETED!

It’ll probably take longer to read this post than it took me to complete the game. One Strike is a one-on-one fighting game with the sort of graphics early Game Boy Advance games had, with colour palettes to suit the very dark GBA screen. Games like Castlevania: Circle of the Moon looked hideous when blown up on a big TV via an emulator, and so does One Strike. As the name suggests, you need to strike your opponent just once …

Phantasy Star II (Switch): COMPLETED!

Phantasy Star II was never my favourite game in the series. It’s the one I’ve played the least, the one I struggled with the most, and the one which has the worst dungeons ever. But I still really like it. Compared to the original, despite appearing on more powerful hardware, this sequel seems such a step backwards in many ways. The dungeons are no longer rendered in 3D, which is the biggest change, instead being the more usual JRPG “almost …